The Company HB Body produces the materials designed for the professional repair of the cars. The Company has succeeded in this area since 1982. It was established in Greece, and nowadays it is one of the leading manufacturers of the paintwork materials in Europe. The Company HB Body offers a rather variable and wide assortment of the products.
The HB Body products are developed sue to the highly skilled specialists working in the science and research center equipped with the most recent and state-of-the-art facilities. The regular and accurate inspection is performed at each technological stage. Besides, the Company never stops at what has been accomplished; therefore the continuous researches both on the existing products’ improvement and on the latest repair materials are always performed.
The Company HB Body owns six factories producing 165 tons of the finished products per a day.
The products are supplied to the domestic market and are exported all over the world. The Company HB BODY was certified with TUV CERT issued by the Association of the Quality Systems Certification (Germany) in 1998. This Certificate is issued only for the companies whose production quality is equally high at all levels: design, projection, production process and servicing.
The Company HB BODY produces the materials as follows: lacquers, sealants, corrosion preventive agents, fillers, solvents, adhesive tapes, primers, and accessories.
For instance, the spraying primer HB BODY is developed on the alkyd base, specified by fast drying, and fits for the metal surfaces of the car. It is developed for the local or spot repair. This primer ensures perfect protection against salt, humidity and mechanical effects; moreover, the zinc chromate is not used in its formula.
Besides, the Company HB BODY produces the standard non-spraying primer on the base of the alkyd resin, which is also specified by fast drying and corrosion protective feature. It might be applied both for spot repair and for treatment of the whole surface. Such coating ensures reliable protection against chemical, mechanical and weather impact. 
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