The Company Kimberly-Clark® (England) was founded in far 1872 in the town Neenah (Wisconsin, USA). Nowadays the Company Kimberly-Clark® is a world leader manufacturing the health-care and paper-hygienic products. The Company’s production service centers are located in 42 countries as well as its products sales’ centers are in 150 countries.
The Company Kimberly-Clark® is one of the major producers manufacturing the products aimed to observe the hygienic rules and to maintain the premises cleanness. The customers of Kimberly-Clark® are the various production enterprises, the business centers, the car repair shops, the cleaning companies and many others. The Company range includes all products required to maintain cleanness of the premises and to perform various cleaning works as well as various tools and working cloths.
The trade mark “Kimberly-Clark Professional” is a part of the strategy of Kimberly-Clark® providing the customer enterprises with the required hygienic, cleanness and protection facilities. The Company Kimberly-Clark® has its own representative offices all over Europe. Also, it owns several world-known brands. The assortment of “Kimberly-Clark Professional” includes the cleaning agents for face and hands, the protective glasses, the general-purpose gloves, the impregnated cleansing serviettes, the cut-resistant gloves, the chemicals-resistant gloves, the gloves resistant to mechanical damages, the protective coats and coveralls, various  respirators, the reusable serviettes made of HYDROKNIT®, the disposable all-purpose serviettes made of AIRFLEX®, the special-purpose serviettes, the earplugs, the towels and others.
The slogan of “Kimberly-Clark Professional” is to provide any consumer with a beneficial product specified by the consummate features, which is able to solve any cleaning and wiping task.

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