The Company MOTIP was established in 1967. It has created the perfect alternative in the products’ sales and has got to the European market. The successful future of MOTIP was ensured due to the ecological awareness and high sensitivity to quality.

In 1998 the merging of Dupli-Color and MOTIP as MOTIP Dupli Group has taken place. From this moment, the Company has got high reputation at the European market relatively to the innovation activity in the area of the painting materials for the cars.

After the merger of the companies Dupli-Color and MOTIP, the new established Company MOTIP Dupli Group has started to get to the world market as well as to cooperate with the business partners.

The consolidation of the common efforts and purchases in the development area was the first step to achieve the successful partnership. In 2000 MOTIP Dupli Group has got to the world market satisfying the whole complex of the customers’ segments having obtained the leadership at the market of the aerosol paints. All these achievements as the leading position at the international markets have created the new possibilities for MOTIP Dupli Group.
The concern products are manufactured under the following brands: Motip, ColorWorks, Motip CarCare, Dupli Color, Trans-Color, Car's, DupliTec, Color Matic, and Presto. Today the concern owns five up-to-date production centers in Holland, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland. Fourteen trade centers of the Company export the products into 137 countries.

Автоэмали, шпатлевки, грунты, лаки, аэрозольные эмали для автомобилей отечественного производства. Широкий ассортимент аэрозольной продукции, для кузовного ремонта и лакокрасочного покрытия автомобил Грунты, шпатлевки, лаки, аэрозоли, универсальные средства защиты кузова авто Автоэмали, шпатлёвки и грунты растворители, отвердители, лаки... Широкий ассортимент аэрозольных красок и лаков, технических аэрозолей автомобильного... Постоянное обновление оборудования, совершенствование технологических процессов и сотрудничество