
The enterprise Polikomplast was founded in 1991 at the Zhilevsky Plastic Materials Factory located in the vicinities of Moscow. The main specialization was production of the materials and goods designed for servicing and repair of the cars. The whole period of its existing the enterprise was growing and developing progressively. The brand Politkomplast has become the innovator at the automotive chemistry market in Russia, and nowadays is one of the most popular and recognized brands among the qualitative domestic products.

The Polikompast products include the following: the fillers, the corrosion protective compounds, the facilities to work with the paints and the enamel body paints, the primers, the anticorrosion means.
The Polikomplast anticorrosion coats developed to protect the external and internal metal surfaces of the cars will help you to struggle against corrosion as well as they are developed for the car bottom and wheel arches protection against noise. These are such series as “Cordon”, “Inkor”, and “Barrier”. Also, Politkomplast produces the materials to protect the metal parts against corrosion; these materials have acquired a reputation at the car products’ market: “TsinkoMovil” and “Bitsink”.

There are also the rust solvents: “Avtophosphat” and “OMEGA”. They help to remove rust layers and to create the protection film, which prevents the rust formation in future.
If you need to prepare the car body for repair, “Avtosmyvka” is ideal for this purpose, and it removes quickly the old lacquer-and-paint coat from any surface type: concrete, ceramic, metal, glass, or wood.

The Politkomplast car fillers are featured by the properties of the best foreign specimen levels. The series of the car fillers “Tineisik” is developed for professional repair and to remove the defects on the metal and several non-metal surfaces, which cannot be removed through straightening of the body elements.
The car fillers GF-021М and GF-021 are applied as the base for the lacquer-and-paint enamels and fillers. They are used not only for car repair but also to protect the metals against corrosion during storage. This series’ primers are put on the wooden and metal surfaces. If you need shorter drying time or temperature reduction, you might use the enamel hardeners as the primer base.

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