The enterprise ICR was established in 1961 in small city of Reggio Emilia, which is in the most developed industry area of the northern Italy. The factory’s total area is about 35.000m2.
The car repair lacquer-and-paint products’ brand SPRINT has developed and got to the market of Italy, many European and other world’s countries. The factory ICR has established a lot of affiliate companies and branches in Italy as well as it is planned to open the offices in Turkey and Lebanon. In the nearest future the Company plans to launch the production of the abrasive and grinding materials. At the moment the Company ICR manufactures more than 10 million kg of products per a year. The demand for the products expands constantly, and the average growth makes up to 15% per a year, and owing to this the Company might be developed uniformly. The ICR goods turnover makes up to some tens of euro millions, where 40% is supplied for the export. Also, the quality of the manufactured products is not remained unnoticed, and ICR was certified to the international standard ISO 9002.
The Company SPRINT is on the firm ground both of the domestic Italian and international markets, at this it always might be attuned to the required tendencies and requirements of the local markets in the shortest time.
All SPRINT products is featured by high quality, it is simple and easy to work with. For instance, the SPRINT primers are the multi-function materials designed both for the complete painting of the car body and for the coats’ repair. They are specified by perfect filling capacity creating the reliable and homogenous coating, fast drying and might be grinded both by dry or wet methods, at this they do not absorb the finish coats. Moreover, they might be used as the flatteners, sealers and primers for galvanized steel. These primers save your time.
The SPRINT fillers are manufactured in a wide range for various types of works: from the fillers for car repair to the special-purpose fillers. But all these fillers are specified by the following properties: resistance against solvents’ impact, they are easy to be grinded by dry abrasive method, resistance to vibrations; they withstand the temperatures up to 100-180˚ С and are featured by low shrinkage not varying with times, also they are specified by perfect adhesion with glass-fiber materials, aluminum, galvanized steel and painted surfaces.
The SPRINT lacquers are the recent finish coatings developed for the car surfaces. They are specified by high fluidity property, high transparency and other the most recent properties for the products of this category. The other ranges of the SPRINT products also confirm to the variable tastes of any faultfinding master of car repair.