The Company VOYLET Ningbo Lis Industrial was established in 1984. Nowadays it is the major manufacturer of the paint-spray guns in China. The main products of VOYLET are the paint-spray guns of variable models designed both for the car service centers and for the industrial enterprises. These paint-spray guns’ family includes the HVLP guns, the high pressure guns as well as the guns to spray the high-viscosity materials, the mini guns and the airless high-pressure guns. Besides, the following guns are provided for the car service centers: the guns and the pressure guns to put on the lubricants, the sandblasting guns, the pneumatic guns to pump the tires, the washing-through guns, the air hoses, and the quick-detachable joints.

The VOYLET paint-spray guns are produced of the high-quality materials. At this, they are featured by reasonable price, reliability and nice design. The VOYLET products help to perform the car body painting works of any complexity. Their high reliability gives one hundred-guarantee when resolving the painting tasks of high complexity. The gun kits and the accessories VOYLET help both the professionals and the beginners.
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